Friday, August 19, 2011

A Cat in a Bustier and Clown Pants

I was cleaning my office last night, and I found a bunch of stuff from high school and college. There were plenty of commonplace things, like class notes and papers, but it was the unexpected stuff that really brought back memories: a list of Highland Retreat quotes,1 my sophomore- and junior-year track meet schedules with all my events and times,2 poetry written by me3 and by others,4 a draft of the top ten reasons to be a math major,5 a game of MASH,6 and numerous doodles and drawings.

Several of the drawings were the kind you make by folding a paper into thirds and getting different people to draw the head, torso, and bottom of a person. Andrea and I used to sit in the back of Calculus class and goof off. Here's one of our masterpieces:

1My favorite is when Jeremy yelled, "Don't get me in trouble! Don't get me in trouble!" while spraying LaVonne with a hose in the pool house.
2My best time in the 1600M? 5:54.
3Mostly silly.
4Mostly serious.
5Including such gems as "Life without Geometry would be pointless."
6The MASH-ee ends up getting married in an orange dress to a guy named Fred, driving a station wagon, and living in a shack in Australia with 15 kids and a pet rat.

Monday, May 09, 2011

First Rose of the Season

Yesterday Danny was giving me a hard time because I haven't updated my blog recently and he's tired of seeing the same word cloud over and over again. Today, it just so happens that there's something new in my life: a rose blooming in my garden! 'Roseraie de L'Haÿ' and 'Louise Odier' have both been dangerously close to blooming for a few days, but 'Roseraie de L'Haÿ' surprised me this morning with several wonderful, spicy-smelling blooms. I stopped to smell the roses (of course) on my way to work and snapped this shot with my iPhone.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Visualize This

I have been researching data visualization at work recently, and I really like word clouds. Just for fun, this is a word cloud of my Facebook posts from the last year. (Click image for a larger version.) Some of it made me chuckle. What do you think? Any surprises?